The More the Merrier: Gay Gangbang Erotica, Paperback/Barry Lowe
Description Some guys simply can't get enough Whether it's an impecunious male stripper doing it at the behest of his ambitious boyfriend, a Victorian-era working class lad doing it to get information, a guy in drag for Halloween whose boyfriend can't get it up anymore, or a guy who wants to teach his boyfriend a lesson, some men love the excitement of multiple partners where they are the focus of attention. Here are ten stories of the raunchiest gangbang erotica available from one of the best writers of the genre. The More The Merrier was originally published by loveyoudivine Alterotica and includes - Marine Biology, Flesh for Fantasy, Sluts & Satyrs, Buck's Night, Four On The Floor, Framing the Picture of Dorian Gray, Fuck Buddy, Seven Card Studs, Dude, Where's The Bar? and New Year's Steve - All previously published as individual eBooks by loveyoudivine Alterotica. Flesh for Fantasy was first published in a slightly different form in Cargo #11 (Black Wattle Press, 1991) Excerpt from: Buck's Night "Suck it, slut," Walsh demanded none too pleasantly. I didn't want to, and I sure wasn't going to without permission. It was six months to my final exams, and I had no intention of spending them on the street. I glanced over at my boyfriend Rhys. He shrugged, but smiled encouragement. I noticed, too, that he was hard as stone in his jeans. I didn't like this change in the schedule, but I had to admit my socks were bulging with cash, so a quick mouth job on the wedding boy, and then out of there. I'd kept my identity secret, coincidentally making enough in tips to see me through next semester. I'd actually be able to contribute to the household budget for a change. It had all begun when Rhys had that fucking whine in his voice again. "What else can I do? I'll have to resign from the faculty. My career is over." "Don't be such a drama queen," I admonished. I'd been putting up with this all morning since the stripper had canceled. "Just ring and get another one." He exploded.