Enlightenment Pie: Healing Through Spiritual Practice, Paperback/Lisa M. Gunshore

Enlightenment Pie: Healing Through Spiritual Practice, Paperback/Lisa M. Gunshore

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Description It seems that everywhere we look these days, we see more and more people carrying weight. To someone on the outside, they may only see the unhealthy side effects of poor diet and pass judgements on the person's ability to care for themselves. What may not be seen is the deep layers of emotional baggage that this person is carrying and their lack of self-love that ultimately affects their choices when caring or ultimately not caring for themselves. The baggage is really layering what we have acquired throughout this lifetime and others, and it has manifested into physical weight that we carry in our bodies, emotional weight, and spiritual weight in the form of karma. The purpose of this book is to teach you how to release this weight from your spirit, mind, and body. I have learned from my own experience that to truly lose weight, we must complete the inner work of all the aspects of our lives. By looking at those difficult pieces of ourselves that is our weight, we bring to the surface many destructive emotions. By working through these emotions and facing them, rather than stuffing them away, we are able to overcome this weight once and for all. This book is not really about changing your diet but, instead, is about transforming all aspects of yourself and changing your life

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