Large Print Address Book: Large Size with Large Clear Type and Bright Cover, Paperback/Montpelier Publisher
This address book is designed for people with visual impairment or failing eyesight. It is large sized (8 x 10 inches) for ease of use, with a bright yellow cover and the title front and back to make it easy to find in the home. Each page has the letter of the alphabet in 80 point (approx one inch high) clear type. There is room for ten entries for each letter of the alphabet, with ruled lines to help the user write in large letters their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Text in these sections is in 18 point, the size recommended by the Royal National Institute of Blind People.(RNIB). The first page contains ruled lines for the owner's most important phone numbers. It will make a great gift particularly for older people who may find normal sized address books difficult to use and hard to find in the home.