You Can Beat Your Addiction!: If You're Thinkin' What I'm Thinkin', Paperback/Larry N
Description You CAN Beat Your Addiction If You're Thinkin' What I'm Thinkin' means exactly what it says. I've spent the last fifteen years gathering information on the disease of addiction. Many people don't understand what the disease truly is and how it affects our daily lives. It seems to be an imbalance in the brain. Because of misunderstandings, we don't know the proper way to equip ourselves to deal with our thoughts and, ultimately, our actions Join me as I share accurate information that I have compiled while working a recovery program of my own You will learn the origin of the twelve steps, along with my experiences while working them, and true spirituality, not the myths and misunderstandings that most people have It has been said that experience is the best teacher. This book is based on exactly that. Get a feel of what working the steps is like, what the origin of the programs are, and most importantly, what spirituality truly means If you, your spouse, your child, or any loved one has issues with addictive thinking, which includes alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or even shopping, then this book is for you Just remember, it's not WHAT you're doing but WHY Let me show you just what I mean, and then you CAN beat your addiction, if you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin'.