Left Hand Writing, from Legible to Artistic: Well-Designed Left-Handed Friendly Printing Font, Handwriting Font, Cursive Font, Plus Creative Drawing a, Paperback/Derek Schuger
Description From fundamental to skillful, from legible to artistic, this book assists left-handed children to achieve a beautiful writing and drawing style through a sequence of learning and practices, including printing, handwriting, writing in cursive, and lettering. In this book, printing practice is the fundamental of legible writing; the handwriting section teaches how to write faster and prettier; cursive writing leads to skillful handling of the pencil, and lettering. The book is edited in a step by step way that leads the handwriting from merely legible to artistic. There are line art tracing figures throughout the book, page by page. These figures not only enhance children's fine motor skills, but are also very fun to draw. This is a fun book to work with. Besides, the words and sentences used in this book are well-selected quotes and poems, which let children get an early start on language arts too. Scientists point out that left-handed people have a right mind, meaning the motivation is primarily connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, indicating highly intuitive and creative capabilities. Left-handed people tend to process the information faster as per an Australian study showed in 2006. We're uniquely gifted. In the United States, 10% of Americans are left-handed, including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, Oprah Winfrey, Robert De Niro, Albert Einstein, and David Rockefeller, just to name a few. Among the last 16 elected presidents, 5 of them are left-handed, 9 are right-handed, and 2 are ambidextrous. Statistically, the proportion of left-handed presidents is much higher than the proportion of lefties in the United States. That probably means something, don't you think? Well-designed left-handed friendly printing font, handwriting font, cursive font, plus creative drawing and artistic lettering, a fundamental art 101 book to cultivate an artistic and creative mind.