The Change Function: Why Some Technologies Take Off and Others Crash and Burn/Pip Coburn
After years of studying countless winners and losers, the author has come up with a simple idea that explains why some technologies-DVD players, iPods-become huge hits while others-video phones-crash and burn. His big idea is that people are only willing to change when the 'pain' of their current situation outweighs the perceived pain of trying something new. In other words, technology demands a change in habits. This simple fact is the main cause of failure for many fabulous inventions. Many companies fall for their own hype and believe that if they build something better, people will automatically beat a path to their door. This is not necessarily the case; as Coburn shows, most potential users are afraid of new technologies and need a really great reason to change. The Change Function looks at this trend across many industry sectors, from computers to mobile phone and digital TV recorders, and is invaluable for anyone who creates, invests in, or is interested in, new technologies.'...every page is a tug at your lapels to see things his way. The world would be a better place if we did.' - Wall Street Journal