Chaucer for Children: A Golden Key, Paperback/H. R. Haweis
Illustrated with pictures and woodcuts by the author. A beautifully laid out--and perfectly accurate to the original--copy of one of the most famous books on how to teach Chaucer to children ever issued. Despite its name, this work is directed at explaining and teaching Chaucer--and is equally presentable to both youngsters and adults. This book, and its author, Mary Eliza Haweis (who wrote using her married name), are widely credited with reviving Chaucer's poetry in the modern world. These stories from The Canterbury Tales, along with some of Chaucer's shorter poems, were the first to be presented in their original Middle English format alongside contemporary English. In addition, the translations are supplemented by copious footnotes providing many fascinating details and background information, setting the scene, tone, and history of each of these marvelous tales. In addition to the extensive translations and retellings, the author also provided all of the illustrations: her pre-Raphaelite style drawings transforming an already classic piece of English literature into a work of art. "I believe that some knowledge of, or at least interest in, the domestic life and manners of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, would materially help young children in their reading of English history. The political life would often be interpreted by the domestic life, and much of that time which to a child's mind forms the dryest portion of history, because so unknown, would then stand out as it really was, glorious and fascinating in its vigour and vivacity, its enthusiasm, and love of beauty and bravery. There is no clearer or safer exponent of the life of the fourteenth century, as far as he describes it, than Geoffrey Chaucer. "As to the difficulties of understanding Chaucer, they have been greatly overstated. An occasional reference to a glossary is all that is requisite; and, with a little attention to a very simple general rule, anybody with moderate intelli