Xoxo, from a Girl Who Gets It: Life Notes for the Young Girl Within, Hardcover/Melody Pourmoradi
Contributor(s):Author: Melody Pourmoradi Illustrator: Debbie Hernandez Dear Brilliant Girl, By the end of this book, you will have uncovered all of your own unique superpowers...you know, all of the special gifts and talents that you were born with. Girl, when you learn just how much strength there already is inside of you to live your best life, you will be straight up unstoppable. I wrote this book for you because I've already been where you are and I have learned that by being my REAL self and not who others think I should be, I can make all my dreams come true. In this book, I will show you all the life tools you need to be the girl that shines bright...from the inside-out. Can't wait to see you on the inside. xoxo, From a girl who gets it {Melody Pourmoradi}