Animal Babies, Paperback/Carlton Publishing Group
Kids these days are so busy running from school to extracurricular activities that they can easily get over scheduled and overwhelmed. That s what s so great about Cool & Calm Coloring for Kids, a series inspired by kindergarten teachers use of art therapy for quiet time. In Animal Babies, over 50 charming illustrations give children the chance to color lots of adorable animals, including bunnies, kittens, puppies, baby owls, and more. Like every book in the series, Animal Babies includes: Gorgeous illustrations with colored backgrounds that guide children through each design Numerous illustrations for children to choose from that will help them relax, focus, and create something beautiful Thick paper to keep their best efforts from bleeding through and ruining the other side Detachable pages that let them pull out their favorites and hang them up for all to see It s perfect for a quiet after school activity, in the car, or anytime kids need to unwind.