Seasons of Witchery: Celebrating the Sabbats with the Garden Witch, Paperback/Ellen Dugan
In this charming book, award-winning author Ellen Dugan offers an intimate look at her personal practices and magickal life throughout the wheel of the year. Written with humor, warmth, and practicality, Ellen offers a fresh twist on ways to honor each season, along with insightful journal notes about her enchanted gardens. Her magickal lessons and stories about her own coven--how they celebrated, changed, and grew over the course of the year--will inspire you. Enjoy sabbat-themed spells, rituals, herbal magick, and holiday recipes that will motivate you to make your own seasons of witchery more unique and meaningful. Midsummer Faery Garden Blessing Butterfly Magick Jack-o'-Lantern Spell The Wild Hunt at Yuletide An Imbolc Spell to Celebrate the Goddess Brigid Perfect Eggs for Ostara Herbal Bouquets and Tussie-Mussies