Shiloh 1st Day: Turning Point of the American Civil War, Hardcover/Charles Sprinkles
The American Civil War was a bloody time in American History. The Battle of Shiloh was the true turning point of this war. It would become a battle of blunders for three generals: Grant, Sherman, and Beauregard--who showed their stupidity and arrogance at this battle. All three should have been court-martialed and ran out of the Union and Confederate armies for the huge mistakes they made. Over ten thousand men lost their lives because of the stupidity of these three generals. P. G. T. Beauregard might have been the most disobedient general of the Civil War. He could not and would not follow orders. He would change General Albert Sidney Johnston's original battle plan to go with the one Napoleon had used to great failure at Waterloo. If Johnston's plan had been used, Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman would have been annihilated by noon on the first day of battle at Shiloh. They were not entrenched nor prepared for this battle. When the battle started, Grant was downriver at a boarding house having breakfast. The importance of this battle has been looked over by many historians. The Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland Rivers' importance cannot be overlooked; they were the way for the Union army to pave a way for invasion into the Deep South. If the Confederate army wins this battle on the first day--and again, Beauregard had chance after chance to accomplish this--a total different outcome to the American Civil could have happened.