How to Learn Guitar: The Ultimate Teach Yourself Guitar Book, Paperback/Pauric Mather
Contributor(s):Author: Pauric Mather UNBELIEVABLE VALUE FOR MONEY 30 Most Played Guitar Rhythms50 Most Played Acoustic Guitar Chords How To Change Chords Fast How To Learn Your Favourite Songs For thousands of people this is "The Ultimate Teach Yourself Guitar Book." It helped them to learn Faster - Easier & More Efficiently than any other teaching method. Inside is the most Complete Program Of Lessons you will ever find. BETTER THAN A GUITAR TEACHER 200 Pages of Beautifully Illustrated Guitar Lessons Over 100 Personalised Playing Tips Practice Programs That Work Compliments All Song Books & Teaching Methods YOU'LL SEE YOURSELF IMPROVING EVERY DAY All your practice is pre-planned from start to finish. That is The Key To Your Success. It also helps you achieve in weeks, what took many people years to learn. Yet this is A Simple Book. Clear, Practical, & Easy To Follow. The author, Pauric Mather has designed each lesson so well, You Need No Knowledge Of Music to learn from it. Everything is Superbly Explained - and shown to you exactly as played by top guitarists.