Diccionario Practico del Estudiante, Hardcover/Real Academia De La Lengua Espanola
Mas de 30 000 voces y locuciones del espanol actual. - Americanismos mas usuales y extendidos. - Ejemplos vivos de uso. - Sinonimos y afines mas comunes. - Familias de palabras. - Siglas mas frecuentes. - Modelos de conjugacion. - Principales reglas ortograficas. It offers 30, 000 entries, a selection of the most commonly used and extended Anglicisms, conjugation rules, the cardinal rules of spelling, most frequently used synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, families of words, and practical examples of use. It is a work conceived from all of the Spanish-speaking countries, which maintains a fundamental balance between the varieties in the language spoken in so many different regions. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION It offers 30, 000 entries, a selection of the most commonly used and extended Anglicisms, conjugation rules, the cardinal rules of spelling, most frequently used synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, families of words, and practical examples of use. It is a work conceived from all of the Spanish-speaking countries, which maintains a fundamental balance between the varieties in the language spoken in so many different regions.