Praxis Core Study Guide 2018-2019: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions (5712, 5722, 5732), Paperback/Praxis Core Exam Prep Team
Imagine a study guide actually designed for teachers! Because we know you've got a busy life, we've developed a study guide that isn't like other certification materials out there. With Cirrus Test Prep's unofficial NEW Praxis Core Study Guide 2018-2019: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions (5712, 5722, 5732) you get a swift but full review of everything tested on your certification exam. FREE online resources are also included with your study guide! Imagine having FREE practice questions, digital flash cards, study "cheat" sheets, and 35 test tips available anytime, anywhere on your cell phone or tablet. Cirrus Test Prep's resources will give you the push you need to pass your test the first time. ETS was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Cirrus Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. Cirrus Test Prep's Praxis Core Study Guide 2018-2019 includes a comprehensive REVIEW of: READINGReading Skills WRITINGLanguage and Research Skills Writing the Essay MATHEMATICSNumbers and Operations Algebra Geometry Statistics and Probability...as well as two FULL practice tests.