What the Bible Says about Prayer, Paperback/Rose Publishing
What the Bible Says About Prayer Pamphlet offers help for Christians who want to know how to pray more effectively. What the Bible Says About Prayer Pamphlet will help you understand the power of prayer and will help you experience the peace that comes from a deeper communication with God. God cares about you and wants a relationship with you through prayer. This booklet covers the basics of Christian prayer How to pray to God How to pray for your needs and others' needs The ACTS Method of Prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication How Jesus prayed What to do when God seems silent Deepen your understanding of prayer. This helpful pamphlet will help you experience the peace that comes from diving into a deeper communication with God, feeling comfortable praying to God, and knowing how to pray and what to pray. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8. 5 x 5. 5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long What the Bible Says About Prayer Teaches You the Basics of Christian Prayer How to pray to God Over 100 great examples of biblical prayer Phrase-by-phrase analysis of the Lord's Prayer What to do when waiting for an answer Types of prayers God does not accept What the Bible Says About Prayer Helps Answer Questions about Prayer Questions about God and Prayer Does God hear all our prayers? Do some people get special access to God? Why didn't God answer my prayer? Is there an incorrect way to pray? Did I pray the wrong way? Are there prayers that God doesn't accept? Question about How to Pray Should we always keep praying? Is there a prayer technique that will get you what you want? Why pray at all? Is prayer a form of worship? What if I don't know what to pray? How do I pray without ceasing? 8 Signs of a Healthy Prayer Life: Prays frequently and persistently Asks in faith Acknowledges God's will Depends on the Holy Spirit Avoids selfish and hypocritical prayers Accepts when God says no Knows what to do when God seems silent Listens for God to answer Why Buy What the Bibl