5gateways - A Profound Spiritual Routemap, Paperback (2nd Ed.)/Open
Contributor(s):Author: Open Life on Earth is becoming increasingly challenged; only spiritual evolution into a New Paradigm will solve humanity's problems. There are many wonderful, new approaches to spirituality emerging in these times of turbulent change, but how do they all connect together? Where is humanity's destiny leading? There are many ways up the 'spiritual mountain', for each of us there is a unique path. Yet those who have climbed before, often speak of five key expansions of consciousness, five key 'altitudes' through which we all tend to pass. It is a routemap that has been walked by spiritual masters throughout the ages. Where are you on your spiritual path right now? How might you catalyse your next evolutionary leap? 5GATEWAYS helps make sense of why your life is taking the twists and turns it is; how the internal shifts of consciousness are affecting your daily life. It helps you ride the Shift into the 5D Paradigm.