The Mystery at Devils Tower, Paperback/Carole Marsh
When you purchase the Library Bound mystery you will receive FREE online eBook access! Carole Marsh Mystery Online eBooks are an easy, effective, and immediate way to read your favorite Carole Marsh Mystery on the go! Each web-hosted Online eBook is filled with the same exact pages as the book, plus additional features like pages that flip with a fun sound as you read, a full chapter directory, full-screen and thumbnail viewing capabilities, and more! Online eBooks allow readers to access their book anytime, from anywhere by using a computer, tablet, or other device with Internet access. They require NO additional access or hosting fees When you purchase a library bound Carole Marsh Mystery book, you get unlimited access to the Online eBook version for FREE. You don t need to download Online eBooks they are available to you online 24/7! Online eBooks are available exclusively from Gallopade, and are compatible with Macs, PC, iPad, and other devices with Internet access. Christina, Grant, Mimi, and Papa travel to Wyoming's Devils Tower and climb into a towering mystery involving Native Americans, dinosaur fossils, precocious prairie dogs, fascinating footprints, Unidentified Flying Objects, and... gulp... aliens??? One pouncing prairie dog! One ropeless rock climber! One angry chief! One close encounters! And hundreds of reasons to run! LOOK what's inside this mystery - people, places, history and more!PLACES: Devils Tower, Wyoming: Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis Devils Tower Prairie Dog Town Circle of Sacred Smoke Devils Tower Trading Post. PEOPLE: Theodore Roosevelt Col. Richard Dodge George Hopkins, Daredevil Junkyu Mato, sculptor. NATURE AND SCIENCE: Dinosaurs: Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex Archaeoptryx trackway Fossils. Wyoming: Geography Weather Animal Life: deer, bears, Prairie dogs and bats Plant Life: Lichen Dinosaur fossils. UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects. HISTORY AND CULTURE: Devils Tower: Other names: Mato Tipila - Bears lodge Facts: Height and ge