101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting, Paperback/Ernie J. Zelinski
Do You Want to Live a Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier Life? "101 Really Important Things You Already Know But Keep Forgetting" addresses many inspirational, spiritual, and motivational topics related to success, personal development, stress management, and health, body & mind. This guide is about all those really important life lessons that virtually all of us have already learned but - for some mysterious reason - keep forgetting. Adopting even one of these sometimes basic - sometimes profound - life lessons will help you experience a more meaningful, more relaxed lifestyle filled with achievement, successs, prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment. As an Amazon reviewer said, "This book is better than therapy There is not one page of this book that doesn't have meaning to everyone's personal life experiences." Another Amazon reviewer claims that this book has the most down-to-earth advice that you will ever encounter in a book. "MANY of the ideas in here can't be found any where else, or at least explained the way they are here any where else. I'm a fan of logic, and this book starts out with an idea, then through simple logic and examples explains how that idea is true. However, some can be unpopular, but that doesn't stop Ernie. Such as 51: "It doesn't cost much to be kind, but it can be very costly being too kind." What You Will Discover - or Rediscover - by Reading This Book: Too much safety is dangerous for your well-being. Predict your failures and you will become a highly successful Don't buy expensive socks if you can never find them. Nice people are often not good people and good people are often not nice people. It's always easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble. Being right at all costs is like being a dead hero - there is no payoff Good deeds are seldom remembered; bad deeds are seldom forgotten. You don't have to watch one minute of TV to be happy - and perhaps you shouldn't. To double your success rate, just double your failure rate.