Green as in Springtime, New Life, and God's Will, Paperback/Linda Jane Niedfeldt
The story of Lisenka continues. Russia and persecution have been left far behind, but new challenges face Lisenka. How can a German-speaking girl thrive in a school that only teaches in English? Is her dream to learn to read going to be crushed in America, too? How can she deal with the class bully who belittles her or classmates who make fun of her clothes? Will bed bugs in their used mattresses actually be a blessing? What is God's will for her in the springtime of her life? Follow along with this brave young girl as she explores her new world. This fictional story is based on true events My Story I grew up in a small Ohio town, attended a small Lutheran grade school and have a small-town attitude. After college and four children, I began to write, including the original version of this book. In 1995, my husband Tom and I started a group travel business, Tom's Christian Tours (TCT). My small-town attitude entered the jet-set age. TCT took me to all corners of the USA and to 75 different countries. Now in retirement, writing is again calling to me. www. lindajaneniedfeldt. com Endorsements ``In reading Green, my students learned the blessings and challenges of immigration. It's a must-read book for every elementary school classroom in America.`` -- Kris Walta, fifth grade teacher, Faith Lutheran School, Fond du Lac, WI ``In grade school, my entire classroom loved the original books, Red and Green. I pray that these new releases will have as profound an effect on young readers as they did on me.``-- Caleb L. Manske, civil engineer ``After I read the book Red to my primary students, my enthusiastic listeners could hardly wait to hear Green and follow Lisenka as she faced new challenges in America. It was the one time in my day when I did not have to 'practice my patience smile' because everyone was mesmerized.`` -- Carol Kolosovsky, Christian day school primary teacher for thirty-seven years