What God Said: The 25 Core Messages of Conversations with God That Will Change Your Life and the World, Paperback/Neale Donald Walsch
God s number one message to the world: You ve got me all wrong. Inspired by his nine-book Conversations with God series, many people have asked Neale Donald Walsch to find a way to deliver the most essential pieces of God s message to us in a more succinct way. This concise text details and expands just what we need to know about life and how to live it. Bringing his many conversations over the years into sharper focus than ever before, Walsch in What God Said encourages readers to cast aside religious and cultural trappings. To experience life as fallible and human beings, open-minded, open-hearted, and all-embracing, and to build on, broaden, and enrich our Ancient Story. But to move forward on this ever-expanding and encompassing spiritual voyage means not only understanding what Walsch considers the most important insights of his Conversations with God, but also applying them in the most practical ways. And so Walsch has included solid suggestions on how to apply each of the 25 Core Messages in daily life. Should humanity begin carrying these messages forward, starting today, we can change the world."