The Mystery at Mount Vernon: Home of America's First President, George Washington, Paperback/Carole Marsh
When you purchase the Library Bound mystery you will receive FREE online eBook access! Carole Marsh Mystery Online eBooks are an easy, effective, and immediate way to read your favorite Carole Marsh Mystery on the go! Each web-hosted Online eBook is filled with the same exact pages as the book, plus additional features like pages that flip with a fun sound as you read, a full chapter directory, full-screen and thumbnail viewing capabilities, and more! Online eBooks allow readers to access their book anytime, from anywhere by using a computer, tablet, or other device with Internet access. They require NO additional access or hosting fees When you purchase a library bound Carole Marsh Mystery book, you get unlimited access to the Online eBook version for FREE. You don t need to download Online eBooks they are available to you online 24/7! Online eBooks are available exclusively from Gallopade, and are compatible with Macs, PC, iPad, and other devices with Internet access. Christina, Grant, Mimi and Papa bike to Mount Vernon, historic home of George Washington and find mystery, history and more wooden teeth than you can shake a stick at! LOOK what's in this mystery - people, places, history, and more! George Washington: early years: family, childhood and first job, Father of our country , Commander of the Continental Army, President of the United States History of Mount Vernon and many of its buildings Surveying Geography of Mt. Vernon Running a Plantation: Farming: fruit garden, tobacco, corn, vegetables; Fishing; Hunting; Smokehouse; Sheep shearing; Washhouse; Coach house Slavery on Mount Vernon History of Cherry Trees in Washington, DC Revolutionary war Valley Forge Fashion items in 1700's: wigs, knee breeches, silver buckles Period foods: Valley Forge Soup, hoecakes, peanut soup, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. Period games Folktales about George Washington: The Cherry Tree, Dentures Dental hygiene and dentures in the 1700's Historical Re-enactors Constru