Twin Souls & Soulmates, Paperback/Peter Erbe
Experiencing Christ-consciousness within yourself, loving unconditionally that which you are as you exist and abide in your reality at this point in time, creates the resonance within your being that attracts the identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy. Your soulmate will manifest in physicality, as a natural progression and merges with your energy and you with it. And as you merge together closer and closer and drink more and more of one another's cups, you become One, and you become one another's strength and one another's love. As this occurs, you experience what is called enlightenment. The physical expression of your soulmate automatically appears. Your twin flame is the identical vibration of the vibration, you emit in your personality Self, in this, your now moment. And if you will recognise that you already embody the principle of love, then you will merge, with your soulmate and the merging of soulmates, creates miracles. This is a fascinating account of St Germain's merging and ascension with his own soulmate, Portia and, also, an eye opener to the decper spiritual mystery of this most misunderstood subject.