Critical & Creative Thinking ACT Grade 2, Paperback/Evan-MoorEducational Publishers
Engage your Grade 2 students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum- and theme-based topics. 46 theme-based units make it easy to find activities that fit your core curriculum: Through the Year: Back to School , Rainy Weather, It's Snowing , Sunshiny Days, Sick Day, Substitute Teacher, Boo , Groundhog Day, Baskets and Bunnies, Mother's Day Animals: Feathered Friends, Bugs, Bats, Turtles, Penguins, Mice, Squirrels, Alligators, Dinosaurs, Under the Sea Places: In the Kitchen, At the Library, At the Zoo, On a Walk, At the Dinner Table Time to Eat: Drink Up , Cookies, Breakfast, Spaghetti Already , Peanuts and Popcorn My Body: My Hair, My Eyes, My Teeth, My Hands, My Feet In My World: Friends, Balls, Windows and Doors, Our World, Balloons, Wheels, String, Forks and Spoons, Music, Sticks and Stones