Start Late, Finish Rich: A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age, Paperback/David Bach
David Bach has a plan to help you live and finish rich--no matter where you start So you feel like you've started late? You are not alone. What if I told you that right now as you flip through this book, 70% of the people in the store with you are living paycheck to paycheck? What if I told you that the man browsing the aisle to your left owes more than $8, 000 in credit card debt? And the woman on your right has less than $1, 000 in savings? See? You're really not alone. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who've saved too little and borrowed too much will never catch up financially. Why? Because they don't know how. You can start late and finish rich--but you need a plan. This book contains the plan. It's inspiring, easy to follow, and is based on proven financial principles. Building a secure financial future for yourself isn't something you can do overnight. It will take time and it will take work. But you can do it. I know. I've helped millions of people get their financial lives together--and I can help you. Spend a few hours with me--and let me challenge you. Give me a chance to become your coach. Just because you started late doesn't mean you are doomed to an uncertain future. Whether you're in your thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond, there is still time to turn things around. It's never too late to live and finish rich. All it takes is the decision to start. --David Bach Is it too late for me to get rich? Over and over, people share their fears with David Bach, America's leading money coach and the number-one national best-selling author of The Automatic Millionaire. -If only I had started saving when I was younger - they say. -Is there any hope for me?- There IS hope, and help is here at last In Start Late, Finish Rich, David Bach takes the -Finish Rich- wisdom that has already helped millions of people and tailors it specifically to all of us who forgot to save, procrastinated, or got sidetracked by life's unexpected challenges. Whether you are in y