550+ PSAT Practice Questions, 2nd Edition: Extra Preparation to Help Achieve an Excellent Score, Paperback/Princeton Review
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the PSAT with 550+ practice questions & everything you need to know about National Merit Scholarships! Practice Your Way to Excellence.- Familiarize yourself with the test and timing with our PSAT overview- Prepare for all question types with Reading, Writing & Language, and Math drills- Pinpoint your strengths and work through your weaknesses with a full-length practice test Work Smarter, Not Harder.- Diagnose and learn from your mistakes with complete answer explanations for every question- See The Princeton Review's techniques in action and solidify your PSAT knowledge- Learn fundamental test-prep strategies to eliminate choices and quickly solve problems Hone Your Competitive Admissions Edge.- Learn everything you need to know about National Merit(R) Scholarships- Take bonus warm-up drills online- Discover useful post-SAT advice in an extra, online "College Insider"supplement