Shelter Medicine 2e, Paperback (2nd Ed.)/Lila Miller
Contributor(s):Editor: Lila Miller Editor: Stephen Zawistowski Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff, Second Edition is the premier reference on shelter medicine. Dividedinto sections on management, species-specific animal husbandry, infectious disease, animal cruelty, shelter programs, behavior, andspay/neuter, the new edition has been reformatted in a moreuser-friendly design with briefer chapters and informationcross-referenced between chapters. Maintaining a herd healthapproach, new and expanded chapters address issues of husbandry, infectious disease management, behavior forensics, populationmanagement, forensic toxicology, animal cruelty and hoarding, enrichment in shelters, spay/neuter, and shelter design. Now in full color, this fully updated new edition delivers avast array of knowledge necessary to provide appropriate and humanecare for shelter animals. Veterinarians, veterinarytechnicians and shelter professionals will find this to be thego-to resource on the unique aspects of shelter medicine that helpfacilitate operating a modern, efficient, and humane shelter.