Tight Hip Flexors: Relieve the Pain of Tight Hip Flexors in Just 5 Minutes, Paperback/Matt Andriano
Contributor(s):Author: Matt Andriano You've heard the saying: it's all in the hips. But for many of us, our hips - or more precisely, our hip flexors - are tight, stiff and inflexible. If you're an office worker you can probably thank sitting down at your desk 8 or more hours a day for your tight hip flexors. Habitual sitting causes your hip flexors to tighten and shorten. Luckily there is a lot you can do to get those hips nice and flexible again. So whether you want to tear it up on the dance floor, improve your athletic performance or just get better posture - now you can using this guide Here is how you will learn to relieve the pain of your tight Hip Flexors What is Hip Flexion? How your Hip Flexors fit into you Anatomy What exactly is a Tight Hip Flexor? What Causes Tight Hip Flexors? How Tight Hip Flexors and Hip Pain go hand in hand How Tight Hip Flexors can cause Back Pain Why is Stretching so Important? How to Stretch properly How to assess your flexibility What is Static Stretching How activities such as Yoga and Pilates can increase hip flexibility Specific Static Hip Flexor Stretches (with photos and videos) Postural Implications Beginning to Exercise: Pain vs. Soreness Beginning to Exercise: Commitment Plus much more