Anything Is Possible: 7 Steps for Doing the Impossible, Paperback/Dr Joe Vitale
Contributor(s):Author: Dr Joe Vitale Think about this -- What would you try if you knew "Anything Is Possible"? What goal could you achieve if you knew "Anything Is Possible"? What dream could you make come true if you knew the sevens steps proving "Anything Is Possible"? The answers are in Dr. Joe Vitale's newest book. It's called - "Anything Is Possible " It reveals - "The 7 Steps for Doing the Impossible" It explains -- "Mind Expanding Secrets for Achieving Your Biggest, Boldest, Most Bodacious Goals Discovered While Bending Nails, Bolts, Steel Bars and Horseshoes by HAND" World famous Strongman Grandmaster Dennis Rogers said - "In January of 2017 Joe Vitale attended my annual strongman seminar: Oldetime Strongman University. By the end of the day he had twisted a horseshoe, bent a steel bar into the shape of a fish, and with one blow of his fist - drove a nail so far through a piece of construction lumber that he surprised us all. That morning he left his home as a 63 year-old guy. That evening he arrived home as a Strongman." The book isn't about bending steel so much as it is about bending your MIND so you can achieve dreams that others will marvel at. It reveals the 7 secrets for achieving the impossible. This inspiring book will lift you, motivate you, stretch you, entertain you, and get you agreeing that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE