Joyful Reading Instructional Guide 'With DVD', Paperback/Sally M. Reis
Contributor(s):Author: Sally M. Reis Joyful Reading offers teachers a differentiatedinstructional approach for motivating students at varied levels todiscover the rewards and delights of reading appropriatelychallenging books. Authored by Sally M. Reis, an acclaimed scholarof gifted and talented education, the book describes the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading (SEM-R), an easy-to-implement programthat encourages students to read independently for a period of timeduring the school day on books of their own choice while supportingthem in learning comprehension strategies. The program includesthree phases: a Book Hook component in which the teacher reads aloud from ahigh-interest book while engaging the class in critical thinkingresponsesa Supported Independent Reading component in which students areencouraged to select and read progressively challenging books whilethe teacher offers instruction through individualizedconfer-encesa Special Interest component in which students engage inreading-enrichment activities The SEM-R program has been shown by research to improve students'fluency and comprehension as well as their attitudes toward readingand is praised by teachers for getting students excited aboutbooks. The book includes a DVD showing teachers using the program. A companion book, The Joyful Reading Resource Kit, is alsoavailable.