Unusual for Their Time, Hardcover/Andrew Och
Contributor(s):Author: Andrew Och FIRST LADIES MAN: "UNUSUAL FOR THEIR TIME: ON THE ROAD WITH AMERICA'S FIRST LADIES" BEHIND EVERY GREAT MAN IS AN EVEN GREATER WOMAN...OR IN THIS CASE...LADY. IF GEORGE WASHINGTON HAD NEVER MET AND MARRIED MARTHA DANDRIDGE CUSTIS, THIS BOOK WOULD BE CALLED SOMETHING QUITE DIFFERENT. IT MAY HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE, OR PERHAPS NEVER WRITTEN AT ALL. IF GEORGE AND MARTHA WASHINGTON HAD NEVER MARRIED, AMERICA WOULD BE A VERY DIFFERENT PLACE... OR QUITE POSSIBLY... NOT AMERICA AT ALL. MARTHA WASHINGTON WAS UNUSUAL FOR HER TIME. My name is Andrew Och and I am the "THE FIRST LADIES MAN." I have completed an unusual journey. This journey gave me the opportunity to learn about every First Lady of the United States from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama. I have traveled to nearly every city, town, village, home, school, church, birthplace, cemetery, train station, farm, plantation, library, museum, general store, town center and cottage that relates to these women, these ladies. I wanted to find out what type of woman grows up to become married to a President of the United States. What I discovered was that many of our Presidents married up. Most of these men would not have made it to the White House without the help, influence, and support of their wives. Nearly all of our Presidents married a woman who was unusual for her time. I have travelled tens of thousands of miles in the lives, footsteps and shoes of these First Ladies, and in this book, you will now get to travel in mine.