Nurture My Heart--A Nurtured Heart Approach Handbook, Paperback
Nurture My Heart is intended for any parent or adult who desires a powerful yet simple formula for growing greatness in children. It is a formula for creating a family or classroom culture based on genuine success and positive relationship. Nurture My Heart is a story and summary of Howard Glasser's Nurtured Heart Approach, presented in a way that provides a tool to introduce the approach to children and a concise explanation of the basics of the approach. Why not start with success? Conventional parenting relies on our cultural tendency to spend most of our time and energy answering the question, "what's wrong with this picture?" so a child is spoken to and recognized more frequently and more energetically when misbehaving. The unintended outcome is a child with a negative sense of self, who acts from this place of negativity, feels bad on the inside, and knows only what he is not. Howard Glasser's Nurtured Heart Approach reverses this unintended outcome. It shows parents how to answer the question, in exquisite detail, "what's right with my child?" Parents learn how to recognize and celebrate a child for making good choices, and they master the skills to build within their children all of the values and character qualities that create a healthy sense of self and ownership in creating one's successful future: inner wealth Nurture My Heart demonstrates how simple it is to start with success and forever maintain a positive, strong relationship with your average or intense, uniquely amazing child.