Nessun Dorma. Pan Flute and String Quintet - Giacomo Puccini
Aria Nessun Dorma "a fost adesea prezentata in versiuni adaptate ale partiturii de catre multi cantareti de opera sau pop, staruri crossover sau instrumentisti, dar niciodata in aceasta formula pentru nai si cvintet de coarde. Prima interpretare publica a acestui aranjament a fost realizata de Gheorghe Zamfir in turneul sau canadian in 2006. Mai tarziu, in 2013, aceasta piesa a fost inregistrata pe un disc de naistul Vladislav Panush impreuna cu TRAFFIC STRINGS. Datorita acestei orchestratii, reducerea de la orchestra mare simfonica la un cvintet de coarde, acest nou aranjament aduce sansa ca cei care canta la acest instrument, naiul, sa poata introduce aceasta capodopera in programul recitalurilor si concertelor mici, in biserici, precum si in aer liber sau sali importante de concert. Este mult mai usor de a pune impreuna un cvintet de coarde decat o orchestra simfonica.
Linia de nai solo nu este dificila tehnic si poate fi cantata cu usurinta de catre toti artistii, indiferent daca acestia au o tehnica joasa, medie sau de nivel inalt.
Acest nou arajment poate fi folosit cu succes pentru momentul culminant al unui concert, aceasta arie dand un sens simbolic, cu un impact emotional bogat spere incantarea publicului."
Formatul produsului / Instrumentatie: Include urmatoarele parti individuale: partitura generala, solo nai, vioara 1; Vioara 2, Viola, Violoncel si Contrabas. Coperta este din carton plastifiat si are un buzunar interior in care sunt introduse toate partiturile.
The Nessun Dorma aria has often been presented in adapted versions of the score my many opera or pop singers, by crossover stars or instrumental performers, but never in this type of adaptation for pan flute and string quintet.
The first public interpretation of this arrangement was performed by Gheorghe Zamfir during his Canadian tour in 2006, and later, in 2013, this piece was recorded on disc by the pan flute performer Vladislav Panush together with TRAFFIC STRINGS
Due to its orchestration, namely the reduction from a large symphonic orchestra to a string quintet, this arrangement provides a chance for performers of this instrument, the pan flute, to include this masterpiece in their programmes for recitals and small concerts, in churches, as well as in open air performances or important concert halls.
It is much easier to assemble a string quintet than a symphonic orchestra.
The line of the solo pan flute it is not technically difficult, and can be played easily by all artists, regardless of whether they have a low, medium or high level technique.
This new arrangement can be successfully used for the climactic point of a concert, as this aria adds a symbolic meaning, with a rich emotional impact that delights the audience.
The music sheets are new and the paper complies with a high quality standard. It has a light-yellow colour, which is the standard typically applied by music editors for music sheets. Product format / Instrumentation: It includes the following individual parts: the general music sheet, solo pan flute, violin 1; violin 2, viola, cello and C-bass. The cover is made of plasticised carbon and has an inner pocket containing all the music sheets.