Arhi-teste. In cautarea unei noi modernitati - Dana Vais
Arhi-teste (texts). In cautarea unei noi modernitati. In Search of a New Modernity
Arhi-textele Danei Vais "tradeaza" placerea navigarii pe "valurile" dezbaterilor si discursurilor teoretice si critice de ultima ora si in acelasi timp antrenamentul sustinut si consistent din zonele rarefiate ale textelor fundamentale ale arhitecturii clasice si moderne. Demersul ei critic si teoretic (imi) pare mai curand un exercitiu de inter-textualitate, in care lucrarea sau/ si opera de arhitectura (se) constituie mai mult (ca) pre-texte.
Dana Vais' "Arhi-texts" "betrays" the pleasure of browsing on the "waves" of up-to-the-minute theoretical and critical debates and speeches and in the same time the continuous and consistent training in the thin areas of fundamental texts of classical and modern arhitecture. Her critical and theoretical demarche seems (to me) rather an inter-textual exercise, for which the work and/ or creation of arhitecture constitute (themselves) mostly (like) pre-texts. - Arpad Zachi