Minecraft: Beginner's Handbook - Updated Edition
Minecraft is a multi-platform block-based gaming sensation available on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and mobile devices. Whether you're in Creative, Survival or Hardcore Mode, the Minecraft books contain all the advice you need to survive and thrive!Every Minecrafter’s journey should begin with the Minecraft Beginner’s Handbook! Your indispensable guide to conquering the Overworld. With only ten minutes of daylight you will need to scramble to find all the resources you can as come nightfall you’ll have to fend off unwanted interest from spiders, creepers, and zombies. But never fear, within these pages you will discover how to manage mobs, which ones will kill you, which ones are passive, and which are tameable enough to turn into transport. You’ll also get practical advice on how to hunt and fish, make a bed, and mine rare elements. There’s even a periodic table of blocks that tells you where to find them. What’s more there’s also exclusive interviews with Minecraft creator Notch and developer Jeb Bergensten. Discover the inside story behind the genius! Packed with illustrations, this handbook is perfect for Minecrafters aged 9 upwards.In this perilous world of mobs and monsters, The Minecraft Beginner’s Handbook might just save your life!Collect all of the official Minecraft series to become the best Minecrafter you can be:Minecraft The Survivors' Book of SecretsMinecraft BlockopediaMinecraft: Exploded Builds: Medieval FortressMinecraft Beginner’s HandbookMinecraft Construction HandbookMinecraft Combat HandbookMinecraft Redstone Handbook