Once There Was a Way: What If the Beatles Stayed Together', Paperback
The second novel from author Bryce Zabel's Breakpoint book series which saw its 2015 debut, Surrounded by Enemies: What if Kennedy Survived Dallas?, win the coveted Sidewise Award for Alternate History. We all know the tragic story by now. After seven years as the most popular rock-and-roll group the world had ever seen, The Beatles -- torn apart by personal and creative differences -- called it quits in 1970, never to play together again. The fact that their contemporaries like The Rolling Stones are still playing today makes their ending even more painful. Once There Was a Way: What if The Beatles Stayed Together? is the story of another reality, the one we wish had happened, where the Fab Four chose to work it out rather than let it be. This book is no mere fairy tale, but a chronicle crafted from the people and events of our own history, shaped to create a brand new narrative in which John, Paul, George and Ringo find a way to stay friends and keep the band together Whether it's a night of drinking with Johnny Carson, playing as surprise guests at Woodstock, or starring in the Stanley Kubrick directed version of The Lord of the Rings, the anecdotes that appear are rooted in what could have been, but never was--until now. Imagine there was more. Lots more. It's easy if you try.