The Adventures of June Bug Johnson: Growing Up in the Shadow of the Proverbs, Paperback
The Adventures of June Bug Johnson is a humorous and nostalgic look at human foolhardiness and the wisdom of the Proverbs as shared through the lives of ``June Bug`` Johnson and his grandpa. June Bug is sometimes the agent of folly and other times, the purveyor of wisdom. Grandpa connects June Bug with wisdom as he quotes the Proverbs and explains how they apply to life. Learning to make a living is easy, but learning how to live requires wisdom. In these true, though embellished stories, readers will find wisdom in unlikely places: a hog getting stuck in a tree, gun fire at a funeral, and a game-saving play that cost a victory. In addition, readers will learn that life can be beautiful, winsome, and filled with strength and love, and that wisdom is the hope-filled and dynamic power of common sense.