1984, Paperback
April, 1984. Winston Smith, thinks a thought, starts a diary, and falls in love. But Big Brother is watching him, and the door to Room 101 can swing open in the blink of an eye. Its ideas have become our ideas, and Orwell's fiction is often said to be our reality. The definitive book of the 20th century is re-examined in a radical new adaptation exploring why Orwell's vision of the future is as relevant as ever. ``This is a staging that reconsiders a classic with such steely power that it chills brain, blood and bone.`` - The Times `` A] pitilessly brilliant retelling.`` - Guardian ``This risk-taking adaptation of George Orwell's masterpiece is doubleplusgood.`` - Telegraph ``A theatrical tour de force that has the destructive power of an earthquake.`` - The Stage ``Skilfully brought to life.... This is a very neat theatrical telling of the classic dystopian parable which is more a study of internal tension and tiny acts of defiance as it is a political drama... a work of extraordinary quality and intensity.`` - Independent Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 - 21 January 1950), better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist and journalist, whose most famous works include the novella Animal Farm, and the classic dystopia 1984. Duncan Macmillan is an award-winning writer and director. Plays include: Lungs (Paines Plough/Sheffield Crucible and Studio Theatre Washington D. C.), Platform (Old Vic Tunnels), Monster (Royal Exchange/Manchester International Festival), The Most Humane Way to Kill A Lobster (Theatre 503), I Wish To Apologise For My Part In The Apocalypse, So Say All of Us and Family Tree (all BBC Radio 4). Robert Icke was artistic director of the Arden Theatre Company in Stockton-on-Tees from 2003-7 and of the Swan Theatre Company in Cambridge from 2005-8, where he was awarded the Susie Gautier-Smith Prize for his contribution to theatre.