Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows Vol. 3: Eight Years Later, Paperback
Jump eight years into the future and catch up with the web-slinging and wall-crawling Spider-Man family Peter and Mary Jane Parker's super-powered daughter, Annie, is now in high school. But when this teen isn't in class, she's swinging through the streets with her parents. After all, keeping New York safe from super villains is a family aff air But when a new threat emerges to put the ol' Parker luck to the test once again, how will Annie react? And as Peter and MJ's concerns about Annie continue, they must think about the future of the amazing Spider-clan... Plus, it's the annual Family Fun Day on Coney Island But what should be a relaxing day at the beach quickly turns into a super hero spectacular you won't want to miss COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS 13-18