Daredevil Epic Collection: Widow's Kiss, Paperback
The return of a legend...and the end of an era Gene ``the Dean`` Colan draws Daredevil once again, as Mr. Fear launches his latest campaign of terror But when Matt comes between his angry ex-love Black Widow and evil mutant Omega Red, he will feel more than the Widow's bite - what deadly game is the Avenger playing? And DD meets DP when Deadpool comes a-calling, but will Typhoid Mary make it an unholy love triangle? And what does it all mean for Deuce the Devil-Dog? Plus, flash back to Matt Murdock's college years, as he meets Foggy Nelson for the first time And how - and why - has Matt regained his sight?Daredevil's first series hurtles to a finish, and it's going to end with a bang COLLECTING: Dare devil (1964) 365-380, -1; Dare devil /Dea dpool Annual '97 (Dare devil Epic Collection Vol. 21)