Plunder of Gor, Paperback
Explore the counterearth of Gor--where men enslave women and science fiction and fantasy combine--in the latest installment of the long-running Gorean Saga. A mysterious package lies unclaimed somewhere in the great port of Brundisium, and it is rumored that its contents could determine the fate of a world. Whether or not that is true, one thing is certain: Men and beasts will kill to claim it. Meanwhile, a young woman, now merchandise, has been brought to the slave markets of Gor after displeasing a stranger in her secretarial job back on Earth. Unbeknownst to her, she holds the key to finding the elusive package--and changing the course of history forever. Inspired by works like Edgar Rice Burroughs's John Carter of Mars novels and Robert E. Howard's Almuric, this adventure series--alternatively referred to by several names including the Chronicles of Counter-Earth or the Saga of Tarl Cabot--has earned a devoted following for its richly detailed world building, erotic themes, and mash-up of science fiction, fantasy, history, and philosophy. Plunder of Gor is the 34th book in the Gorean Saga, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.