Drama, Drinks and Double Faults: The Skinny about Tennis Fanatics That No One Has Had the Balls to Say . . . 'Til Now!, Paperback
After giving of yourself as a wife, mother, daughter and friend, there comes a time when it is necessary for us as women to do our own thing, and tennis has become that thing. Sometimes that thing can be tumultuous and self-defining; it makes us crazy, we know it, but we wouldn't have it any other way. This socially acceptable addiction of tennis keeps us coming back for more, match after match, day after day, cat fight after cat fight, all because of the passion we have for the game. That passion, combined with some very interesting types of tennis players, along with the typical on court drama, all adds up to quite a cocktail. And speaking of cocktails-let's face it, after a match they're well deserved, heavily anticipated and for some of us, the real reason we play. The bottom line is that the league is really a home-a home where you can look like a B. A.R. B.I. E, act like an Alexis, or whine like a Blah, Blah, Blah. You're identified, exposed and, after all of that, still accepted just as you are. So, tennis ladies, enjoy every moment, relish every point, cherish every friendship, and don't you dare let your sorry ass go down without swinging