Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: Edwin Abbott Unabridged, illustrated value reproduction of Flatland by Edwin Abbott, in this affordably printed volume, is a book that belongs on everyone's shelf. Published originally in 1884, Abbott's novella was a social commentary told through mathematical a framework. With Einstein's 1915 publication of the Theory of Relativity, Flatland became popular as a prophet of four dimensions. This Value Classic Reprint provides a slim volume with full text and illustrations of this timeless classic at an affordable price. Table of Contentspart I this World 4 1.--Of the Nature of Flatland. 4 2.--Of the Climate and Houses in Flatland. 5 3.--Concerning the Inhabitants of Flatland. 6 4.--Concerning the Women. 8 5.--Of Our Methods of Recognizing One Another. 10 6.--Of Recognition by Sight. 12 7.--Of Irregular Figures. 14 8.--Of the Ancient Practice of Painting. 16 9.--Of the Universal Color Bill. 17 10.--Of the Suppression of the Chromatic Sedition. 19 11.--Concerning Our Priests. 21 12.--Of the Doctrine of Our Priests. 22 Part Ii Other Worlds 25 13.--How I Had a Vision of Lineland. 25 14.--How I Vainly Tried to Explain the Nature of Flatland. 27 15.--Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland. 29 16.--How the Stranger Vainly Endeavored to Reveal to Me in Words the Mysteries of Spaceland. 31 17.--How the Sphere, Having in Vain Tried Words, Resorted to Deeds. 34 18.--How I Came to Spaceland, and What I Saw There. 35 19.--How, Though the Sphere Showed Me Other Mysteries of Spaceland, I Still Desired More; and What Came of It. 38 20.--How the Sphere Encouraged Me in a Vision. 41 21.--How I Tried to Teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to My Grandson, and with What Success. 42 22.--How I then Tried to Diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by Other Means, and of the Result. 43