Power Isotonics Exercise Bible, Paperback
Contributor(s):Introduction by: Marlon Birch THE ULTIMATE POWER ISOTONICS BIBLE THE BEST SELF RESISTANCE WORKOUTS TO BUILD MUSCLE, BURN FAT AND SCULPT A LEAN BODY FOR LIFEDo it anywhere, any time, it is the perfect exercise plan all without weights and machines. Build the body of your dreams today. The unique muscle-building exercises in this book will get you growing like crazy because they push your muscles with muscle-building-enhancing exercises and routines with-60 to 90 seconds of tension, which muscles need to increase strength and size. In this easy-to-read book, you will see illustrations that explain each program--and you will finally see why almost everyone is doing self resistance wrong and why their growth is so painfully slow--Marlon Birch knows the ""secrets"" on getting amazing muscle size and strength in record time. He is the ONLY self resistance trainer to take the original Charles Atlas type exercises, enhance them in Hy-brid fashion and became the first ever Professional Bodybuilder using only these exercises to accomplish that goal. Finally, build muscle without weights and smash the myths, this book will show you the truth, then you learn the proven techniques and methods that will get you MUSCULAR in record breaking time You will build muscle, burn fat, and sculpt the body you want, any time, anywhere, whenever you want all without weights or equipment-let the world's respected fitness trainer and 3-time natural pro bodybuilder be your personal trainer today.