Beyond Binary: Genderqueer and Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction, Paperback
Awards Finalist (2013) - Lambda Literary Awards - (Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror) Contributor(s):Editor: Brit Mandelo Speculative fiction is the literature of questions, of challenges and imagination, and what better to question than the ways in which gender and sexuality have been rigidly defined, partitioned off, put in little boxes? These seventeen stories explore the ways in which identity can go beyond binary from space colonies to small college towns, from angels to androids, and from a magical past to other worlds entirely, the authors in this collection have brought to life wonderful tales starring people who proudly define (and redefine) their own genders, sexualities, identities, and so much else in between.  Review citations Publishers Weekly / Best Of The Best/Highly Recommended - pg. 62 - 03/26/2012Publishers Weekly / Exceptional Presentation - pg. 62 - 03/26/2012Publishers Weekly / Book Of Special Distinction - pg. 62 - 03/26/2012Publishers Weekly / Top 15 Book Of The Year - pg. 62 - 03/26/2012Publishers Weekly / Highly Recommended - pg. 62 - 03/26/2012