Itsuwaribito, Vol. 22, Paperback
The adventures of a liar and his band of friends who use lies to do good. Utsuho's truthfulness as a child resulted in an enormous catastrophe, and he decided to lie from that day forward. Raised in a village of orphans by a monk, Utsuho is an unrepentant troublemaker. The monk eventually inspires him to help people, but there's no way Utsuho's going to lead an honest life Instead, he's going to use his talents for mischief and deception for good Lured by the prospect of acquiring the presumably glorious Kokonotsu Treasure, Utsuho and his friends have come to the sacred mountain of Fuji. Here they learn of Nue, the Itsuwaribito of Calamity, a man who came to be considered a god. They also hear the tale of Nue and Mana, a girl horribly abused by her fellow villagers. But what does this have to do with the Kokonotsu? Utsuho and company are about to find out