Legion of Super-Heroes: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2, Hardcover
Back in the days before the advent of organized fandom, the Legion of Super-Heroes was something special, a comic book feature with an avid and loyal following. What was slated to be a one-time appearance in Superboy exploded into comics history, leading to an ongoing series and a startling fan phenomenon. By the mid-1960s, the ongoing adventures of the Legion of Super-Heroes had reached near-cult status in the growing realm of comic book fandom, and some of the most memorable stories in the Legion chronicles were being told. Ferro Lad, Karate Kid, Princess Projectra and Nemesis Kid were introduced to the Legionnaires' roster alongside such classic villains as Emerald Empress, Validus, Computo the Conqueror and Universo. In this second omnibus volume of The Legion of Super-Heroes: The Silver Age, return to the 30th century, a time when teenagers were heroes and the universe was under their protection, with the landmark stories that changed the lives, mythos and roster of the Legion forever. Legion of Super-Heroes: The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 2 collects stories from Adventure Comics #329-360 and Superboy #124-125.