Mastering the Art of Negotiation
Negotiations are a mirror for you. You take yourself along in every negotiation, but are you at all aware of the fact that you’re in a negotiation anyway? How do you read people, ho do you create “trustworthy” relationships, and how do cultural differences play a role in negotiations? This book gives an answer to these kind of questions. Negotiating is an ART, and much more than Science alone. One way of looking, listening, and acting. A mind-set and a skill- set. It’s a skill that you can develop. Negotiation is about people. You encounter a lot of facets in negotiations: how people influence each other, and the legal, cultural, economic aspects play a role. You have to deal with it in private situations and in various daily business situations. In this book you will learn, develop and maintain this essential skill. The design of the book- by going through a logical sequence - all kinds of insights ‘accumulate’. Step by step, traveling, walking the Negotiation path. By reading it, looking at the visuals, answering the questions that appear in the text, you create your own learning experiences. It’s written it in a way you can create your own cases and examples; and by seeing the visuals and pictures you create your own learning; After all, you already know everything yourself.