Egon Schiele
To mark the start of the commemoration of Egon Schiele in 2017 the Albertina will be showing an extensive presentation from its comprehensive collection of drawings and watercolours, which will be complemented by loans. The oeuvre of the important Austrian Expressionist will be presented for the first time in the light of the latest Schiele research. In addition to deciphering the allegories, which were hitherto a complete mystery, concrete examples show how Egon Schiele found inspi ration for his own forms of expression in the art of Antiquity as well as Byzantine and Baroque art. The lavishly illustrated catalogue assembles contributions from various disciplines and shows a paradigm change in the interpretation of the artist who is probably the most fascinating proponent of Austrian Modernism. Schiele is no longer seen merely as the disturbingly penetrating portraitist of existential loneliness, but at the same time also as a champion of high ethical principles and passionate spiritu ality. together with artist colleagues like Paul Klee and Lyonel Feininger.