Getting Past Perfect
Do you ever feel like a raging tsumani, running through the house like a whirlwind and yelling at the top of your voice while the kids drag their feet and fight with one another as you desperately try to find lost shoes and get out the door on time? Overwhelmed, over-extended, and guilt-plagued? With honesty, humor, and practical wisdom, Getting Past Perfect helps moms overcome Pinterest-inspired perfectionism by replacing your deepest fears and anxieties with a steady trust in God and the freedom to love authentically. If you have ever felt that you were not ``enough`` as a wife or mom, or if you're someone who struggles to do it all, Getting Past Perfect offers a realistic and reassuring portrait of Catholic womanhood, placing motherhood in the context of every woman's primary role as a child of God. Kate Wicker--journalist, popular speaker, and author of the highly-acclaimed Weightless--shares how she shook off doubt and negative self-perception, finding self-acceptance as a mom and the desire to stop controlling everyone around her. Getting Past Perfect invites you to make this same journey as you learn to embrace the primacy of your role as a daughter of God, even amidst the daily chaos of raising children. Each chapter is designed to debunk the lies and expectations that moms often face, replacing negative self-perceptions with the truths of a woman's true calling. Wicker, a recovering perfectionist, helps you realize: It is perfectly normal to feel like you're in over your head sometimes. You can stop obsessing about what other people think and start focusing on loving yourself and your kids just as you are. Your primary jobs are to let God love you and to love him back. Nurture your prayer life and make time to remember that you are first a daughter of God. It's important to practice self-care no matter your stage in life. Wicker openly shares how she unwittingly transferred her preoccupation with having the perfect body to being the perfect parent. By honestly