A Fast Walk Through a Long History: A Summary of the American Civil Rights Struggle from 1619 in Jamestown to 1965 in Selma/Horace Randall Williams
Horace Randall Williams
Victorian Christianity and Emigrant Voyages to British Colonies c.1840
C.1914,Rowan Strong
Victorian Class Conflict?
Dr. John T. Smith
Victorian Floral Illustrations: 344 Wood Engravings of Exotic Flowers and Plants, Paperback
Carol Belanger Grafton
Victorian and Edwardian Fashions from ''La Mode Illustree'', Paperback
Joanne Olian
Victorian Summer: The Historic Houses of Belle Haven Park, Greenwich, Connecticut, Hardcover
Matt Bernard
The Jazz Age
Stephen Harrison
The Cambridge Companion to Horace
Stephen Conlin,Peter Harbison